Found Footage Files 067: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension

We look at the final (?) Paranormal Activity film this episode. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) is our subject after shoutouts and the news, and we also read the listener feedback left on Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension page at the Found Footage Critic website.

Movie Link:

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

Here is the video of This House Has People In It that listener Eric shared with us:

Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions at the Followed movie page at the FFC site and we’ll read them on the next episode!

Be sure to stop by the Found Footage Critic website!

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2 thoughts on “Found Footage Files 067: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension

  1. That trailer was bizarre… Ha.

    I agree with most of this review though. Ghost Dimension was enjoyable for me because the jump scares actually scared me. Usually I see them coming from a mile away but this one did a great job with them. It’s also extra scary for me when there’s a child involved in a horror film, either because the child’s life is at risk or because a child is threatening others’ lives. Neither thought is pleasant!

    1. Thanks much for listening and commenting, Amber! I agree having a child (or children) cast in a horror film can add another dimension of fear!

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